Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/38

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The Emperor Contstantius.
The Empress Eusebia.
The Princess Helena, the Emperor's sister. Prince Gallus, the Emperor's cousin. Prince Julian, Gallus's younger half-brother. Memnon, an Ethiopian, the Emperor's body-slave. Potamon, a goldsmith. Phocion, a dyer. Eunapius, a hairdresser. A Fruit-seller. A Captain of the Watch. A Soldier. A Painted Woman. A Paralytic Man. A Blind Beggar. Agathon, son of a Cappadocian vine-grower. Libanius, a Philosopher. Gregory of Nazianzus. Basil of Caesarea. Sallust of Perusia. Hekebolius, a Theologian. Maximus the Mystic. Eutherius, Julian's chamberlain. Leontes, a Quaestor. Myrrha, a slave. Decentius, a Tribune. Sintula, Julian's Master of the Horse. Florentius, } Severus, } Generals. Oribases, a Physician. Laipso, } Varro, } Subalterns. Maurus, a Standard-*bearer. Soldiers, church-goers, heathen onlookers, courtiers, priests, students, dancing girls, servants, the Quaestor's retinue, Gallic warriors. Visions and voices.

The first act passes in Constantinople, the second in Athens, the third in Ephesus, the fourth in Lutetia in Gaul, and the fifth in Vienna [Vienne] in the same province. The action takes place during the ten years between A.D. 351 and A.D. 361.