Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/383

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sc. ii.]
the emperor julian.


You have closed our churches; therefore we stand without and praise the Lord our God.


Ah, is that you, Gregory? So you still linger here. But beware; my patience will not last for ever.


I seek not a martyr's death; I do not even desire it; but if it be allotted me, I shall glory in dying for Christ.


Your phrases weary me. I will not have you here. Why cannot you keep to your stinking dens? Go home, I tell you!

A Woman.

Oh, Emperor, where is our home?

Another Woman.

Where are our houses? The heathen have plundered them and driven us out.

A Voice in the Throng.

Your soldiers have taken from us all our goods.

Other Voices.

Oh Emperor, Emperor, why have you seized upon our possessions?


You ask that? I will tell you, ignorant creatures! If your riches are taken from you, 'tis out