Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/465

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sc. iii.]
the emperor julian.


Fromentinus, seize these madmen! Hew them down!

[Fromentinus and many of the bystanders are on the point of falling upon the Christian soldiers. At that moment a vivid glare spreads over the sky, and flames burst from the ships.

Officers and Soldiers.

[Terror-stricken.] The fleet is burning!


Yes, the fleet is burning! And more than the fleet is burning. In that blazing, swirling pyre the crucified Galilean is burning to ashes; and the earthly Emperor is burning with the Galilean. But from the ashes shall arise—like that marvellous bird—the God of earth and the Emperor of the spirit in one, in one, in one!

Several Voices.

Madness has seized him!


[Entering from the left.] It is done.


[Approaching hastily from the camp.] Quench the fire! Out, out with it!


Let it burn! Let it burn!


[From the camp.] Sire, you are betrayed. That Persian fugitive was a traitor——