Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/485

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sc. ii.]
the emperor julian.

with the Galileans than with us. The God of the Galileans is stronger than our gods.

The first Soldier.

The thing is that the Emperor has angered the gods. How could he think of setting himself up in their place?

The third Soldier.

What is worse is that he has angered the Galileans' God. Have you not heard, they say positively that, a few nights since, he and his magician ripped open a pregnant woman, to read omens in her entrails?

The first Soldier.

Ay, but I do not believe it. At any rate, I am sure 'twas not a Greek woman; it must have been a barbarian.

The third Soldier.

They say the Galileans' God cares for the barbarians too; and if so, 'twill be the worse for us.

The second Soldier.

Oh, pooh—the Emperor is a great soldier.

The first Soldier.

They say King Sapor is a great soldier too.

The second Soldier.

Think you we have the whole Persian army before us?

The first Soldier.

Some say 'tis only the advance-guard; no one knows for certain.