Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/504

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the emperor julian.
[act v.


On—on, believing brethren; give Caesar what is Caesar's!

Retreating Soldiers.

[Calling to him.] He has fallen! The Emperor has fallen! Jovian. Fallen! Oh mighty God of vengeance! On, on; 'tis God's will that his people shall live! I see heaven open; I see the angels with flaming swords—— The Soldiers. [Hurtling forward.] Christ is among us! Ammian's Troops. The Galileans' God is among us! Close round him! He is the strongest! [A wild tumult of battle. Jovian hews his way into the enemy's ranks. Sunrise. The Persians flee in all directions.


The Emperor's tent, with a curtained entrance in the background. Daylight.

The Emperor Julian lies unconscious on his couch. The wounds in his right side, arm, and hand are bound up. Close to him stand Oribases and Makrina, with Eutherius. Further back Basil of Caesarea, and Priscus. At the foot of the bed stands Maximus the Mystic.