Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/512

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the emperor julian.
[act v.

sufficient reasons; and if some should think that I have not fulfilled all expectations, they ought in justice to reflect that there is a mysterious power without us, which in a great measure governs the issue of human undertakings.


[Softly to Oribases.] Oh listen—listen how heavily he breathes.


His voice will soon fail him.


As to the choice of my successor, I presume not to give any advice.—You, Eutherius, will divide my possessions among those who have stood nearest to me. I do not leave much; for I have always held that a true philosopher——

What is <g>this</g>? Is the sun already setting?


Not so, my Emperor; 'tis still broad day.


Strange! It seemed to me to turn quite dark——

Ah, wisdom—wisdom. Hold fast to wisdom, good Priscus! But be always armed against an unfathomable something without us, which——

Is Maximus gone?


No, my brother!


My throat is burning. Can you not cool it?