Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/61

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caesar's apostasy.

Libanius has. One or other of the lesser philosophers is now and then driven from the city; on him no one dares lay a finger. I have begged, I have implored both Hekebolius and the Empress to procure his banishment. But no, no!—What avails it to drive away the others? This one man poisons the air for all of us. Oh, thou my Saviour, if I could but flee from all this abomination of heathendom! To live here is to live in the lion's den——


[Eagerly.] Julian—what was that you said?


Yes, yes; only a miracle can save us?


Oh, then listen! That miracle has happened.


What mean you?


You shall hear, Julian; for now I can no longer doubt that it is you it concerns. What sent me to Constantinople was a vision——


A vision, you say!


A heavenly revelation——


Oh, for God's pity's sake, speak!—Hush, do not speak. Wait—some one is coming. Stand here, quite carelessly;—look unconcerned.