Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/95

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act ii.]
caesar's apostasy.


[Points to the left.] Look yonder. Is that a pleasanter sight?


Prince Julian——; with roses in his hair, his face aflame——


Ay, and after him that reeling, glassy-eyed crew. Hear how the halting tongues babble with wine! They have sat the whole day in Lykon's tavern.


And many of them are our own brethren, Gregory; they are Christian youths——


So they call themselves. Did not Lampon call himself a Christian—he who betrayed the oil-seller Zeno's daughter? And Hilarion of Agrigentum, and the two others, who did what I shudder to name——

Prince Julian.

[Is heard calling without on the left.] Aha! See, see—the Cappadocian Castor and Pollux.


He has caught sight of us. I will go; I cannot endure to see him in this mood.


I will remain; he needs a friend.