Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 7).djvu/132

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You shall bear witness that it's not true, Christina. I'm not out of my mind at all; I know quite well what I'm saying; and I tell you nobody else knew anything about it; I did the whole thing, I myself. Remember that.

Mrs. Linden.

I shall remember. But I don't understand what you mean——


Oh, how should you? It's the miracle coming to pass.

Mrs. Linden.

The miracle?


Yes, the miracle. But it's so terrible, Christina; it mustn't happen for all the world.

Mrs. Linden.

I shall go straight to Krogstad and talk to him.


Don't; he'll do you some harm.

Mrs. Linden.

Once he would have done anything for me.



Mrs. Linden.

Where does he live?


Oh, how can I tell——? Yes——[Feels in