Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 7).djvu/65

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Nothing more? Then no doubt you've come to town to find rest in a round of dissipation?

Mrs. Linden.

I have come to look for employment.


Is that an approved remedy for overwork?

Mrs. Linden.

One must live, Doctor Rank.


Yes, that seems to be the general opinion.


Come, Doctor Rank—you want to live yourself.


To be sure I do. However wretched I may be, I want to drag on as long as possible. All my patients, too, have the same mania. And it's the same with people whose complaint is moral. At this very moment Helmer is talking to just such a moral incurable——

Mrs. Linden.

[Softly.] Ah!


Whom do you mean?


Oh, a fellow named Krogstad, a man you know nothing about—corrupt to the very core of his