Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 9).djvu/140

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name honoured through generations"—"in the confident hope of a suitable reward from the party in momentary power." [Lays down the paper on the table.] And they can say such things of me!—Men who have known me so long and so well! Things they themselves don't believe. Things they know there is not a word of truth in—they print them all the same.

Rebecca. That is not all.


[Takes up the paper again.] "Inexperience and lack of judgment the only excuse"—"pernicious influence—possibly extending to matters which, for the present, we do not wish to make subjects of public discussion or accusation." [Looks at her.] What is this?


It is aimed at me, plainly enough.


[Lays down the paper.] Rebecca,—this is the conduct of dishonourable men.


Yes, they need scarcely be so contemptuous of Mortensgård.


[Walks about the room.] Something must be done. All that is good in human nature will go to ruin, if this is allowed to go on. But it shall not go on! Oh, what a joy—what a joy it would be to me to let a little light into all this gloom and ugliness!