Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 9).djvu/158

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What do you mean by that? You say it so strangely.


Oh, well—please let us drop the subject. Ah,—there he comes.

Kroll. Already! Then I will go.


[Goes towards him.] No—please stay. There is something I want you to hear.


Not now. I don't feel as if I could bear to see him.


I beg you to stay. Do! If not, you will regret it by-and-by. It is the last time I shall ask you for anything.


[Looks at her in surprise and puts down his hat.] Very well, Miss West—so be it, then.

A short silence. Then Johannes Rosmer enters from the hall.


[Sees the Rector, and stops in the doorway.] What!—Are you here?


He did not wish to meet you, dear.[1]

Kroll. [Involuntarily.] "Dear!"

1 In the original, Rebecca here addresses Rosmer as "du" for the first time in Kroll's presence.