Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 9).djvu/224

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Why, of course it is. We're not so fine as this every day.—Pah! How suffocatingly hot it is under this roof! [Goes down into the garden.] Come over here! Here there's a breath of air to be had at any rate. [She seats herself in the arbour.


[Goes to her.] Now I should say the air was distinctly fresh here.


Yes, you are used to the close air of Christiania. I'm told it is perfectly dreadful there in summer.


[Who has also come down into the garden.] Ellida dear, I must leave you to entertain our good friend here for a while.

Ellida. Have you work to do?


Yes, I must go down to the surgery: and then I must change my clothes. But I shan't be long——


[Seats himself in the arbour.] Don't hurry, my dear Doctor. Your wife and I will manage to pass the time.


Ah yes—I'm sure of that. Well, good-bye for the present then?

[He goes out through the garden to the left.