Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 9).djvu/234

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——and Miss Hilda answered: "Oh, because it's mother's birthday."

Ellida. Mother's——! Oh indeed.

Arnholm. Aha!

[He and Ellida exchange glances of comprehension.

Arnholm. Well, since the young man has found it out, Mrs. Wangel——


[To Lyngstrand.] Yes, since you have found it out——


[Offers the bouquet again.] May I be permitted to offer my congratulations——?


[Taking the flowers.] Many thanks.—Won't you sit down a moment, Mr. Lyngstrand?

[Ellida, Arnholm, and Lyngstrand seat themselves in the arbour.


All this about—about my birthday—was to have been a secret, Mr. Arnholm.


So I see. It was not to have been mentioned to us outsiders.