Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 9).djvu/240

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himself: "Married—to another man—while I was away."


[Shuts her eyes, and says half to herself:] Did he say that?


Yes; and would you believe it—he said it in perfectly good Norwegian. He must have had a great gift for languages, that man.


And what then? What happened next?


Now comes the wonderful part of it—a thing I shall never forget to my dying day. For he added,—and this quite quietly too: "But mine she is, and mine she shall remain. And follow me she shall, though I should have to go home and fetch her, as a drowned man from the bottom of the sea."


[Pouring out a glass of water; her hand shakes.] Pah—how close it is to-day——!


And he said it with such force of will that I felt he was the man to do it too.


Do you know at all—what has become of this man?


Oh he's dead, Mrs. Wangel, beyond a doubt.