Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 9).djvu/254

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Oh, indeed!—Don't you believe it, my girl! I tell you we shall never get on well with her. She doesn't suit us, nor we her. Heaven knows what tempted father to drag her into the house!—I shouldn't wonder a bit if she were to go mad on our hands some fine day.

Boletta. Mad? What makes you think such a thing?


Oh, there would be nothing so wonderful about it. Didn't her mother go mad? She died mad, I know.


Yes, I should like to know what you don't poke your nose into. All I say is, don't go chattering about it. Be good now—for father's sake. Do you hear, Hilda?

[Wangel, Ellida, Arnholm, and Lyngstrand come up from the right.


[Points away towards the background.] It lies out there.


Yes, of course; it must be in that direction.

Ellida. Out there lies the sea.


[To Arnholm.] Don't you think it's pretty up here?