Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 9).djvu/43

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Rector Kroll.

[In the hall, laying down his stick.] Thanks. Then I am not disturbing you?


You? How can you ask?


[Comes in.] Amiable as ever. [Looks round.] Is Rosmer upstairs in his room?


No, he is out walking. He has stayed out rather longer than usual; but he is sure to be in directly. [Motioning him to sit on the sofa.] Won't you sit down till he comes?


[Laying down his hat.] Many thanks. [Sits down and looks about him.] Why, how you have brightened up the old room! Flowers everywhere!


Mr. Rosmer is so fond of having fresh, growing flowers about him.


And you are too, are you not?


Yes; they have a delightfully soothing effect on me. We had to do without them though, till lately.


[Nods sadly.] Yes, their scent was too much for poor Beata.