Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 9).djvu/58

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quite mistaken, my friend. Just inquire a little into the opinions that are current among the Radicals, both out here and in the town. They are neither more nor less than the wisdom that's retailed in the "Beacon."


Yes; Mortensgård has great influence over many people hereabouts.


Yes, just think of it! A man of his foul antecedents—a creature that was turned out of his place as a schoolmaster on account of his immoral life! A fellow like that sets himself up as a leader of the people! And succeeds too! Actually succeeds! I hear he is going to enlarge his paper. I know on good authority that he is on the lookout for a capable assistant.


I wonder that you and your friends don't set up an opposition to him.


That is the very thing we are going to do. We have to-day bought the County News; there was no difficulty about the money question. But——[Turns to Rosmer.] Now I come to my real errand. The difficulty lies in the conduct of the paper—the editing——. Tell me, Rosmer,—don't you feel it your duty to undertake it, for the sake of the good cause?


[Almost in consternation.] I!


Oh, how can you think of such a thing?