Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 9).djvu/88

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Rebecca. Well, it was perhaps rather indiscreet of me, but——

Rosmer. Let me hear what it was.


Yesterday evening, when Ulric Brendel was leaving—I gave him a note to Peter Mortensgård.

Rosmer. [A little doubtful.] Why, my dear Rebecca—— Well, what did you say?

Rebecca. I said that he would be doing you a service if he would look after that unfortunate creature a little, and help him in any way he could.

Rosmer. Dear, you shouldn't have done that. You have only done Brendel harm. And Mortensgård is not a man I care to have anything to do with. You know of that old episode between us.

Rebecca. But don't you think it would be as well to make it up with him again?

Rosmer. I? With Mortensgård? In what way do you mean?

Rebecca. Well, you know you can't feel absolutely secure now—after this breach with your old friends.