Page:The complete works of Henry George vol. 1.djvu/19

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The Problem 3
Book I.—Wages and Capital.
Chapter I.—The current doctrine of wages—its insufficiency 17
II.—The meaning of the terms 30
III.—Wages not drawn from capital, but produced by the labor 49
IV.—The maintenance of laborers not drawn from capital 70
V.—The real functions of capital 79
Book II.—Population and Subsistence.
Chapter I.— The Malthusian theory, its genesis and support 91
II.—Inferences from facts 103
III.—Inferences from analogy 129
IV.—Disproof of the Malthusian theory 140
Book III.—The Laws of Distribution.
Chapter I.—The inquiry narrowed to the laws of distribution—necessary relation of these laws 153
II.—Rent and the law of rent 165
III.—Interest and the cause of interest 173
IV.—Of spurious capital and of profits often mistaken for interest 189
V.—The law of interest 195
VI.—Wages and the law of wages 204
VII.—Correlation and co-ordination of these laws 217
VIII.—The statics of the problem thus explained 219
Book IV.—Effect of Material Progress upon the Distribution of Wealth.
Chapter I.—The dynamics of the problem yet to seek 225
II.—Effect of increase of population upon the distribution of wealth 228
III.—Effect of improvements in the arts upon the distribution of wealth 242
IV.—Effect of the expectation raised by material progress 253
Book V.—The Problem Solved.
Chapter I.—The primary cause of recurring paroxysms of industrial depression 261
II.—The persistence of poverty amid advancing wealth. 280