Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/18

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For the better finding out of the Authors herein alledged, obſerve that,

  • F.ſignifies Fitzherbert.
  • Br. Brook.
  • Dir. Certain Directions or Reſolutions of all the Judges of Aſſizes, Anno 1663. and imprinted for William Coke, Ann. 1636.
  • Fi. Finch.
  • Raſt. Raſall's Abridgment of the Statutes, printed Anno Dom. 1583.
  • Lib. Intr. The Book of Entries, Impreſſ. 1596.
  • Lbt. or Lambt. Lambert's Juſtice of Peace, Impr. 1559.
  • P. Poulton's Abridgment of the Statutes, Impr. 1606.
  • Cro. or Crompt. Cromptons Juſtice of Peace, Impr. 1606.
  • P. R. Poulton de Pace Regis.
  • Ba. Sir Francis Bacons Elements of the Common Law.
  • Ba. V. His Uſe of the Law.
  • Reſol. Reſolutions of the Judges of Aſſiſes Ann. 1633. to certain Quares.
  • Mo. Moor's Reports.
  • Hawk. P. C. Hawkins's Pleas of the Crown.
  • 1,2 H.H.P.C. Hales Hiſioria Placitorum Coronæ Vol. 1ſt, 2d.

The other References are as uſual in Law Books.

A Table