Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/631

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Containing the Statutes 16, 17, 18 & 19 Geo. 2.

16 Geo. 2. c. 8. § 7. Spirits BY 16 Geo. 2. cap. 8. two Juſtices of the Peace for the County or Place from whence ſpirits are intended to be exported, may adminiſter an Oath, that the Duties were duly enter'd and paid, and that the Spirits are exported for Merchandize to be ſpent beyond the Seas.

Ib. §. 9. Perſons retaling ſpirituous Liquors without Licenſe, and not renewing as directed by the Act, forfeit 10l. for each Offence, and upon Nonpayment, when lawfully demanded, any one Juſtice, on Oath made of ſuch Neglect, vhall commit the Offenders to the Houſe of Correction, to be kept to hard Labour for two Months, not to be divcharged till Payment of 10l. or the expiration of the ſaid two Months.

Ib. §. 10. No Licenſes ſhall be granted to any Perſon whatſoever, for retaling ſpirituous Liquors, but to thoſe only, who ſhall keep Taverns, victualling Houſes, Inns, Coffee-Houſes, or Ale-Houſes, and all Licenſes granted to any other Perſons, are void.

Ib. §. 11. Perſons ſelling ſpirituous Liquors, by retale, muſt be licenſed by two or more Juſtices for the County, &c. wherein ſuch Perſons ſhall ſell the ſaid Liquors.

16 Geo. 2. cap. 15. Transportation By 16 Geo. 2. cap. 15. it is enacted, That if any Felon, or other Offender, ordered for Tranſportation, or agreed to tranſport him or herſelf on certain Conditions, to any of his Majeſty's Colonies in America, either for Life, or any Number of Years, ſhall be afterwards at large in any Part of Great Britain, without ſome lawful Cauſe, before the Expiration of the Term for which he or ſhe were to be tranſported, and being thereof lawfully convicted, ſhall ſuffer Death, as in Caſes of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy.

Ib. § 3. Whoever ſhall diſcover, apprehend and proſecute to Conviction of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy, any ſuch Offenders, ſhall be intitled to a Reward of 20l. and ſhall have the like Certificate, and like Payments made without Fee or Reward, as any Perſons may be intitled to for the apprehending, proſecuting, and convicting of Highwaymen, by any Law for that Purpoſe.

16 Geo 2. cap 18. §. 1. Justices of the Peace. By 16 Geo. 2. cap. 18. it is enacted, That all Juſtices of the Peace, within their reſpective Juriſdictions, may do all things belonging to their Office as Juſtices, ſo far as the ſame relates to the Laws for the Relief, Maintenance, and Settlement of poor Perſons; for paſſing and puniſhing Vagrants; for Repair of the Highways; or to any other Laws concerning Parochial Taxes, Levies, or Rates, notwithſtanding thoſe Juſtices are chargeable with the Taxes, Levies or Rates, within any ſuch Pariſh or Place affected by the Acts of ſuch Juſtices.

Ib. §. 2. No Actions of any Juſtices of the Peace, performed before the making this Act, ſhall hereafter be made void, becauſe the Juſtices themſelves are chargeable with the Rates as aforeſaid.

Ib. §. 3. This Act ſhall not impower any Juſtice of the Peace for any County or Riding at large, to act in the Determination of any Appeal to the Quarter-Seſſions for ſuch County or Riding, from any Order relating to the Pariſh or Place where ſuch Juſtice of the Peace is ſo charged as aforeſaid.

16 Geo. 2. cap. 26. § 5. Unstamped Newspapers By 16 Geo. 2. cap. 26. it is enacted, That if any Perſon ſhall ſell, or expoſe to ſale, any News Paper, or any Book, Pamphlet, or Paper, deemed to be a News Paper, within the Meaning of any of the Acts of Parliament, relating to the Stamp-Duties now in Force, not being ſtampt or marked, as in the ſaid Acts are directed, any Juſtice of the Peace may commit every ſuch Offender, being thereof convicted before him, to the Houſe of Correction, for three Months, and any Perſon may apprehend and carry the Offender before a Juſtice of the Peace of the County or Place where ſuch Offence ſhall be committed; and on producing a Certificate of ſuch Conviction, under the Hand of ſuch Juſtice (which Certificate ſuch Juſtice ſhall give without Fee) he ſhall be intitled to the Reward of 20. s. to be paid by the Receiver General of his Majeſty's Stamp Duties.

16 Geo. 2. cap. 29. Carriages. By 16 Geo. 2. cap. 29. the confining the drawing of Carts to three Horſes only, being found inconvenient to Farmers and others, and highly detrimental to the Markets of this Kingdom; it is therefore enacted, That the ſaid Number of Three Horſes ſhall be enlarged to Four Horſes, under all the Proviſions, Exceptions, and Limitations in the Acts of 5 Geo. 1. and 14 Geo. 2.

16 Geo. 2. cap 31. §1. Reſcue

By 16 Geo. 2. cap. 31. it is enacted, That if any Perſon ſhall any ways aſſift any Priſoner to attempt his Eſcape from any Gaol, tho' no Eſcape be actually made, if ſuch Priſoner then was at-
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