Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/633

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Chap. 197.

To the Conſtables of in the County of or to the Tythingman, or other Officer (as the Caſe ſhall be, or if the Offender is committed to the Houſe of Correction, then to the Governor or Maſter thereof) and alſo to all Conſtables and other Officers, whom it may concern, to receive and convey; and to the Church-warden, Chapel-wardens, or Overſeers of the Poor of the Pariſh, Town, or Place (as the Caſe ſhall be) of in the County of or either of them, to receive and obey.

WHEREAS was (or were) apprehended in the Pariſh of (or in the Town of or other Place, deſcribing it) as a Rogue and Vagabond, or as Rogues and Vagabonds, videlicet, wandering and begging there (or as the Caſe ſhall be) and upon Examination of the ſaid taken before upon Oath (which Examination is hereunto annexed) it doth appear, that his, her, or their Laſt legal Settlement is at in this County (or in the County of ) or that the ſaid was (or were) born in the Pariſh of in this County (or in the County of and hath (or have) not ſince obtained any legal Settlement; or that the ſaid is (or are) under the Age of fourteen Years, and hath (or have) a Father or Mother living, or abiding in the Pariſh (or Town) of (or other Place, deſcribing it): Theſe are therefore to require you the ſaid Conſtable, or other Officer (or Governor, or Maſter of the Houſe of Correction (as the Caſe ſhall be) to convey the ſaid in the next direct Way to the ſaid Pariſh (or Town) of (or other Place) within the ſaid County, and there to deliver him (her or them) to ſome Church-warden, Chapel-warden, or Overſeer of the Poor of the ſame Pariſh (Town or Place) to be there provided for according to Law, (or in caſe the ſaid Pariſh, Town, or Place, to which ſuch Perſon or Perſons is or are to be ſent, lies in ſome other County, Riding, Diviſion, Corporation, or Franchiſe, having Separate General or Quarter-Seſſions of the Peace, then the Form ſhall be as followeth, videlicet, To convey the ſaid to the Pariſh (or Town) of that being the firſt Parifh (or Town) in the next Precinct through which he (ſhe or they) ought to paſs in the direct way to the ſaid Pariſh (or Town) of to which he (ſhe or they) is (or are) to be ſent, and to deliver him (her or them) to the Conſtable, or other Officer of ſuch firſt Town (or Pariſh) in ſuch next Precinct, together with this Paſs, and the Duplicate of the Examination of the ſaid taking his Receipt for the ſame; and the ſaid is (or are) to be thence conveyed on in like manner to the ſaid Pariſh (or Town) of there to be delivered to ſome Church-warden, Chapel-warden or Overſeer of the Poor of the ſame Pariſh (Town or Place) to be there provided for according to Law; and you the ſaid Church-wardens, Chapel-wardens, and Overſeers of the Poor, are hereby required to receive the ſaid Perſon (or Perſons) and provide for him, her (or them) as aforefaid.

Sect. 8. A Duplicate of the Paſs and Examination are to be filed at the next General or Quarter Seſſions as in §. 8. pag. 486 ſupra.

Sect. 9. Where Offenders ſhall be committed to the Houſe of Correction as before, and the Juſtices of the Seſſions adjudge ſuch Perſon a Rogue, a Vagabond or an incorrigible Rogue; they may order ſuch Rogue or Vagabond to hard Labour, for any farther time, not exceeding ſix Months, and ſuch incorrigible Rogue, for any time not exceeding two Years, nor leſs than ſix Months, from the time of ſuch Order of Seſſions, and ſuch Offender may be corrected by Whipping, &c. as in §. 9. pag. 486 ſupra.

Sect. 10. The Form of the Paſs, for paſſing or conveying Rogues, &c. is as follows.

WHEREAS by a Paſs (reciting the Subſtance or Effect of the ſaid Paſs) I (or we) do hereby order and direct the ſaid Perſon (or Perſons) to be conveyed on Foot (or in a Cart, or by Horfe, &c.) to the ſaid Town (or Pariſh) of in (or other Place, deſcribing it) in the way to ſuch Pariſh (Town or Place, as the Caſe ſhall be) in Days time; for which the ſaid Conftable, &c. is to be allowed the Sum of and no more. Given under my Hand (or our Hands) this Day, &c.

Sect. 11. The Officer receiving ſuch Paſs, ſhall convey the Perſon therein named, according to the Directions thereof, the next direct way to the Place where ſuch Perſon is ordered to be ſent, if in the ſame County where he was apprehended; but if the Place, to which ſuch Perſon is to be ſent, lies in ſome other County, &'c. the Officer ſhall deliver him to the Conſtable, &c. of the firſt Town, Pariſh, or Place in the next County, in the direct way to the Place to which ſuch Perſon is to be conveyed, together with the Paſs and Duplicate of Examination, taking a Receipt for the ſame; and ſuch Conſtable, &c. ſhall apply to a Juſtice of the Peace in the ſame County, &c. who ſhall make the like Certificate as before (mutatis mutandis) and deliver it to the Conſtable, who ſhall convey the Perſon to the firſt Pariſh, &c. in the next County, &c. in the direct way to the Place where ſuch Perſon is to be conveyed, and ſo from one County to another, till they come to the Place where ſuch Perſon is to be ſent, and the Conſtable, &c. ſhall deliver ſuch Perſon to the Church-warden or other, ordered to receive him by the Paſs, together with the Duplicate of Examination, taking a Receipt for the ſame. And if the Church-warden, &c. ſhall think the Examination falſe, he is to carry the Perſon ſo ſent, before ſome Juſtice of the Peace, who may commit ſuch Perſon to the Houſe of Correction, till the next Quarter-Seſſions, where the Juſtices may deal with ſuch Perſon as an incorrigible Rogue. The Perſon ſo ſent ſhall not be removed from the Place to which ſent but by Order of two Juſtices, as other poor Perſons are removed to the Place of their Settlement.

Sect. 12.