Page:The crater; or, Vulcan's peak.djvu/81

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OR, VULCAN S PEAK. 75 ground into powder. For my part, sir, I thank God, from the bottom of my heart, that we are here." " You have reason to do so, Bob; and while we may boih regret the misfortune that has befallen us, we had need remember how much better off we are than our ship mates, poor fellows ! or how much better we are off than many a poor mariner who loses his vessel altogether." " Yes, the saving of the ship is a great thing for us. We can hardly call this a shipwreck, Mr. Mark, though we have been ashore once; it is more like being docked, than anything else !" " I have heard, before, of vessels being carried over reefs, and bars of rivers, into berths they could not quit," answered Mark. " But, reflect a moment, Bob, how much better our condition is, than if we had been washed down on this naked reef, with only such articles to comfort us, as could be picked up along shore from the wreck !" " I m glad to hear you talk in this rational way, Mr. Mark; for it s a sign you do not give up, or take things too deeply to heart. I was afeard that you might be think ing too much of Miss Bridget, and make yourself more unhappy than is necessary for a man who has things so comfortable around him." " The separation from my wife causes me much pain, Betts, but I trust in God. It has been in his pleasure to place us in this extraordinary situation, and I hope that something good will come of it." "That s the right sentiments, sir only keep such feel ings uppermost, and we shall do right down well. Why, we have water, in plenty, until after the rainy season shall be along, when we can catch a fresh supply. Then, there is beef and pork enough betwixt decks to last you and me five or six years; and bread and flour in good quantities, to say nothing of lots of srnall stores, both forward and aft." " The ship is well found, and, as you say, we might live a long time, years certainly, on the food she contains There is, however, one thing to be dreaded, and to provide against which shall be my first care. We are now fifty days on salted provisions, and fifty more will give us both the scurvy." " The Lord in his mercy protect me from that disease !"