Page:The discouerie of witchcraft (1584) (IA b30337367).djvu/35

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The diſcouerie of


The first Booke.

An impeachment of Witches power in meteors and elementarie bodies, tending to the rebuke of ſuch as attribute too much vnto them.

The firſt Chapter.

THE Fables of Witchcraft haue taken ſo faſt hold and déepe root in the heart of man, that fewe or none can (nowadaies) with patience indure the hand and correction of God. For if any aduerſitie, gréefe, ſickneſſe, loſſe of children, corne, cattell, or libertie happen vnto them; by & by they exclaime vppon witches. As though there were no God in Iſrael that ordereth all thingsIob.5. according to his will; puniſhing both iuſt and uniuſt with gréefs, plagnes, and afflictions in maner and forme as he thinketh good: but that certeine old woman heere on earth, called witches, muſt needs be the contriuers of all mens calamities, and as though they themſelues were innocents, and had deſerued no ſuch puniſments. Inſomuch as they ſticke not to ride and go to ſuch, as either are iniuriouſlie tearmed witches, or eſse are willing ſo to be accounted, ſéeking at their hands comfort and remedie in time of their tribulation, contrarie to Gods will and commandement in that behalfe, who bids vs reſort to him in allMatth.11.