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of the peaks still rise above the snow-line, and although less elevated than the Kaufmann Peak of the Trans-Alaï, they perhaps present a grander appearance, thanks to their greater relative height above the surrounding district.*


Of the Asiatic mountain systems sloping northwards this is the largest both in extent, elevation, the abundance of its snows and glacier masses. The title of Tian-shan, or "Celestial Mountains," was conferred on it by the Chinese, doubtless from the elevation of its snowy peaks blending with the fleecy welkin. Its lofty crests have ever formed one of the chief barriers to migration, conquest, and commercial intercourse, and these mountains have at all times been avoided eastwards by the Zungarian passes.

Fig. 91.—Relative Area of the Tian-shan, Alps, and Pyrenees.
Scale 1: 24,000,000.
Pyrenees. Alps. Tian-shan.
600 Miles.

Till recently the Russians themselves, notwithstanding their military resources and superior culture, have stopped short at the northern base of the range, which for them formed the limit of the known world, and which was masked by vast deserts, swamps, and shallow lakes. Its passes are approached by no great river valley except that of the Sir-daria, which, like all the other streams flowing from the Tian-shan, is lost in a land-locked lake. Although forming the chief mountain mass of Asia north of the Himalayas and Kuen-lun, this range is nevertheless of far less hydrographic importance than the secondary

* Chief elevations of the Pamir and Alaï system:—

Pamir. Feet.
Feet. Bash-Alaï 11,000
Kizil-art Pass 14,240 Alaï-tagh, highest point 19,330
Kara-kul 13,400 Alaï-tagh, mean height 16,000
Uz-bel Pass, south of Kara-kul 15,100 Shchurovskiy Glacier, lower extremity 11,900
Snow-line 15,500 Kaufmann Peak, Trans-Alaï 25,000
Ters agar Pass 9,850
Alaï. Trans-Alaï snow-line 14,160
Terek-davan 10,460 Shelveli 25,000
Isfaïram 12,000 Saudal 25,000
Kavuk 13,300 Chabdara (Hissar Mountains) 18,600
Kara-kazik 14,630 Hasreti-Sultan 15,000