Page:The education of the farmer.djvu/61

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and on Middle-Class Education in General.

have a very strong opinion on the point, I do not wish to be counted responsible for the questions on Analytical Chemistry in General Examination, Department D, of the West of England Examination.

Believe me, my dear Sir,
Yours very truly,
Augustus Voelcker.

T. D. Acland, Esq.

Note to p. 35.

A Selection from the Questions on Mr, Pepper's Course of Lectures on Chemistry, Eton School Term, 1856.

The Air we Breathe.

Detail the experiments employed to demonstrate the materiality of the Air we breathe.

Describe a mode of showing that the Air has weight.

Describe the construction of the Barometer.

Upon what principle is the mode of analysing Air founded?

What is the composition of Air?

Give an illustration by figures of the exact nature of chemical analysis in the change which Phosphorus undergoes when used in the analysis of Air.

At what temperature does Mercury take Oxygen from the Air, and name the substance formed?

Who discovered Oxygen?—What did he use to procure it?

How many cubic inches of Oxygen will one ounce of Black Oxide of Manganese yield—also one ounce of Chlorate of Potash?

Give an example of the formation of an acid, an alkali, and a neutral body, by burning substances in Oxygen.

What is the weight of 100 cubic inches of Oxygen, and 100 cubic inches of Nitrogen?


What are the relative proportions of Earth and Water, measured in square miles, on the surface of the Earth?

Give examples of the universal presence of Water in Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral substances.

What is supposed to be the physical nature of Clouds?

What is the principle of an Artesian Well?

What are Intermittent Springs? How may they be accounted for?

Explain the importance of the expansion of Water at a certain temperature forming an exception to the general law:—that bodies expand with heat and contract with cold.

What is a Freezing Mixture, and upon what principle does it produce cold?

Why does not high-pressure Steam scald?

Describe the meaning of the term "Suspended Matter" in Water,

What are the usual Saline Matters found in Spring Water?

Describe the tests for detecting the presence of Lime in Water.

What is the meaning of the term Incrustation, as applied to Boilers?

How is it produced?

How do you account for the formation of Petrifaction?

Chemistry of the Breakfast Table.

What are the chief ingredients employed in the manufacture of China and Glass?

Why is a bright Metal Teapot preferred to a black one?

Of the Bread, Butter, Milk, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa, name those which contain Nitrogen.

Give an example of the meanings of the terms Proximate and Ultimate Elements.

What are the proximate constituents of Flour, Bread, and Meat?