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List of Books .

Church History.

Pinnock's Analysis of Ecclesiastical History to A.D. 325. 18mo., 3s. 6d. Hall and Son.

Burton's History of the Christian Church. Fcap. 8vo., 5s. Parker and Son.

Pinnock's Analysis of the History of the Reformation, with prior and subsequent History of the Church of England. 18mo., 4s. 6d. Hall and Son.

Blunts History of the Reformation. Fcap. 8vo., 3s. 6d. Murray.

Massingberd's History of the Reformation. 12mo., 6s. Parker and Son.

English Grammar.

Explanatory English Grammar, by McLeod. 18mo., 1s. Longman.

Elements of Grammar, English, by Rev. E. Thring. 18mo., 2s. Macmillan.

Manual of English Grammar, by Rev. J. Hunter. 12mo., 7d. 'N. S.

Latham's Grammar for Commercial Schools. 1s. 6d. Walton and Maberly.

English Grammar, by Lennie (much used in private schools, but not recommended). 18mo., 1s. 6d. Oliver and Boyd.

Spelling Book superseded, by Sullivan. 18mo., 1s. 4d. Longman.

Analysis of Sentences, by J. D. Morell. 12mo., 2s. Longman.

English History.

History of England (last edition). 12mo., 1s. 4d. S. P. C. K.

England and its People, by Emily Taylor. 3s. 6d. 'Houlston.

Kings of England. 1s. Mozley.

History of England, by Rev. T. Milner. 5s. R. T. S.

Gleig's School and College History of England. 6s. Parker and Son.


Hughes' Manual of British Geography. Fcap. 8vo., 2s. Longman.

Hughes' Manual of Geography, Physical, Industrial, and Political. Fcap. 8vo. 7s. 6d. Longman.

Sullivan's Geography Generalized. 2s. Longman.

Guyot's Earth and Man. Fcap. 8vo., 2s. Parker and Son.

Maps illustrative of the British Empire, by Rev. S. Clark, Principal of Battersea College. 6d. each. N. S.

English Literature.

Reed's English Literature: Chaucer to Tennyson. Post 8vo., 2s. Shaw.

Reed's English History Illustrated by Shakspeare. Post 8vo., 2s. Shaw.

Spalding's History of English Literature. 3s. 6d. Simpkin.

Milton. 1s. 6d. Ingram.

Shakspeare (Stratford edition) Any vol. 2s. Hodgson.

Cowper's Poetical Works. 1s. 6d. Griffin and Co.

Goldsmith's Poetical Works. 2s. 6d. Knight and Son.

Craik's Outlines of the History of the English Language. 3s. 6d. Chapman and Hall.

Hooker's First Book (concerning Laws in general 12mo., 1s. 6d. Parker and Son.

Bacons Advancement of Learning. 12mo., 2s. Parker and Son.