Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/290

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¶ The eyght fable is of the diſcyple / and of the ſheep /

A Diſcyple was ſomtyme / whiche toke his playſyre to reherce and telle many fables / the whiche prayd to his mayſter / that he wold reherce vnto hym a long fable / To whome the mayſter anſuerd / kepe and beware wel that hit happe not to vs / as it happed to a kyng and to his fabulatour  And the diſcyple anſuerd / My mayſter I pray the to telle to me how it befelle / And thenne the mayſter ſayd to his deſcyple /  ¶ Somtyme was a kynge whiche hadde a fabulatour / the whiche reherced to hym at euery tyme / that he wold ſleep fyue fables for to reioyſſhe the kynge / and for to make hym falle in to a ſlepe / It befelle thenne on a daye / that the kynge was moche ſorowful and ſo heuy / that he coude in no wyſe falle a ſlepe / And after that the ſayd fabulatour had told and reherced his fyue fables / the kynge deſyred to here more / And thenne the ſayd fabulatour recyted vnto hym thre fables wel ſhorte / And the kynge thenne ſayd to hym / I