Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/30

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¶ The ix fable is of the two bytches

It is not good to byleue what flaterers and euyll men ſaye / for by theyr ſwete wordes / they deceyue the good folke / whereof Eſope reherceth ſuch a fable / This was a bytche which wold lyttre and be delyuerd of her lytyl dogges / and came to the hows of another bytche / & prayd her by ſwete and fayre wordes that ſhe would lene to her a place for to lyttre her lytyll dogges / And this other lend to her / her bed and her hows wenynge to doo wel / And whan the bytche had lyttred her lytyl dogges / the good bytche ſayd to the other / that it was tyme that ſhe ſhold goo and departe oute of her hows  And then the bytche and her young dogges ranne vpon the other / and boot and caſted her oute of her owne hows / and thus for to have doo well / grete dommage cometh ofte therfore  And ofte the good men leſe theyr goodes by the decepcion and flaterye of the peruers and evylle folke /