Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/56

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¶ The vii fable ſpeketh of the old dogge and of his mayster

MEn ought not to dyſprayſe the auncyent ne to putte a bak / For yf thow be yonge / thow oughte to deſyre to come to old age or auncyente / and alſo thow ouȝteſt to loue and prayſe the fayttes or dedes whiche they haue done in theyr yongthe / wherof Eſope reherceth to vs ſuche a fable / Of a lord whiche had a dogge / the whiche dogge had be in his yonghe of good kynde / For ye wote wel / that of kynde the dogges chacen and hunten in theyr yongthe / and haue grete luſte to renne and take the wyld beeſtes / whan thenne this dogge was come to old age / and that he myght no more renne / It happeth ones that he lete ſcape and go fro hym an hare / wherfore his mayſter was ſorowfull and angry / and by grete wrathe beganne to bete hym / The dogge ſayd thenne to hym / My mayſter/ of good ſeruyſe thow yeldeſt to me euylle gwerdone & reward / For in my yonge age I ſerued the ful wel / And now that I am comen to myn old age / thow beteſt and ſetteſt
