Page:The fallacy of danger from great wealth.djvu/42

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It is to be suspected, however, that envy has been the cause of at least some such attacks. Then, too, some demagogues have come along who desired to use what they took to be popular prejudices as a means of getting into office. Politicians have not been the only sinners. Writers for magazines and newspapers, and the owners of magazines and newspapers themselves, have in some instances made great money gains out of their attacks upon great wealth. The crusade has been popular, and very profitable financially to those who have skilfully turned it into money for themselves. "Great is Diana of the Ephesians!"

In a democracy like our own, education of the whole people in sound economic doctrine sometimes comes slowly. We once had a greenback craze and a silver craze, and they in their turn passed away, and most of their advocates have been forgotten. If the crusade against great wealth and great industries is not in accord with natural economic laws, such crusade also will have an end, and its champions, too, discredited and perhaps even hated by the people, will go into their deserved oblivion.