Page:The family kitchen gardener - containing plain and accurate descriptions of all the different species and varieties of culinary vegetables (IA familykitchengar56buis).pdf/213

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Jefferson.—An Albany seedling, and, according to report (we have not seen it), one of the finest sorts. Fruit large, fine, oval form; color golden-yellow, with a red cheek. Flesh deep orange, very rich, juicy, and high flavored; parts freely from the stone. Ripe about the 25th of August.

Purple GageFruit round, medium size; color reddish- crimson, dotted. Flesh pale orange, rich, juicy, and high flavored. A free stone. Ripe about the 15th of September.

Quetsche, or German Prune.—Fruit very large, regularly oval; color dark blue-violet when fully ripe. The skin separates very readily from the flesh, and makes a first rate dessert or kitchen fruit. Ripe about the 10th of September.

Imperatrice.—Fruit oval, above medium size; color deep purple, covered with bloom. Flesh firm, rich, and sugary, adhering to the stone. Ripe about the first of October.

Washington (Bolmar’s).—A New York seedling. Fruit very large; round-oval; color dull greenish-yellow. Flesh yellow, firm, sweet, and luscious, separating readily from the stone. Ripe about the 15th of August.

Wine Sour.—Fruit medium size, roundish-oval; color purple. Flesh bright red, exceedingly juicy. A great bearer, and the best Plum for cooking. Ripe in September.

It must be conceded that the character of the Plum is, in some measure, choice, good, or indifferent, according to situation, climate, and soil; yet we contend that bad soil and situation will not entirely obliterate the good qualities of a choice fruit.

Culture.—The best soil for the Plum is a strong, loamy soil, on a dry bottom. In such they grow well and produce fine crops.

Plant them at twenty-five feet apart, if in the orchard; but if for family use, they should be planted on some paved yard, or other situation, where the fallen fruit will be carefully destroyed.