Page:The famous speeches of the eight Chicago anarchists in court.djvu/3

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Life of Albert R. Parsons

With a true history of the Anarchist trial, taken from the official records of the court and a brief history of the labor movement in America (3d edition).

The volume contains 353 octavo pages, beautifully illustrated, and nicely bound in cloth and gilt.

PRICE, ONLY $1.50.

Order from the publisher,


Or from your news dealer.


Some of the Numerous Reviews

"The hanging of the Anarchists in Chicago is now sufficiently a matter of history to permit its discussion without the heat of prejudice that a frightened capitalist press had thrown upon it at the time of its occurrence.

"The pardon of Governor Altgeld, with his reasons for granting it, which are included in this work, has shown with absolute certainty that the men who were hanged upon that November day in 1887 were murdered for no other reason than because victims were needed to frighten the working class back into humble submission *** It shows beyond a doubt that the present ruling class will stop at nothing in their endeavors to terrorize those who theaten their rulership * * * The tremendous and terrible facts that are told in this book reach a dramatic height that thrills and enthralls the reader.'—International Socialist Review.

More than half of the book is justly occupied with the details of the Haymarket incident, from the beginning of the eight-hour movement in the spring of 1886 to the death of the subject of the biography, in the fall of 1887.

"The Statesman can commend to those who are familiar with only