Page:The fastest bicycle rider in the world - 1928 - Taylor.djvu/448

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A Tribute to my Silent Steed

I now hang up my silent steed
That served my purpose well indeed
Just like a true and faithful friend
It stuck right by me to the end

Whenever I called on it for speed
With a furious sprint we took the lead
Down the stretch and around the curve
Each rider straining every nerve

On we dashed at a reckless pace
A grnm expression on cach face
Into the home stretch, then the bell
A smash, a crash, and someone fell

The tumultuous fans how they roared
They knew the record would be lowered
Out of a pocket we would slip
To win the purse and championship

This was a thriller for the crowd
Which made us both feel very proud
We toured the world and beat the best
In many such exciting tests.

Now as a reward for faithfulness
My trusty bike has earned its rest
But not in the attic all covered with dust
Nor in the cellar to get all rust

But in my den on a pedestal tall
Or better still upon the wall
Where I can see it every day
And it will keep the blues away

We rode to win in every race
Fairly we played in every case
If life grows dull and things break bad
Just think of the wonderful days we've had.