Page:The first and last journeys of Thoreau - lately discovered among his unpublished journals and manuscripts 2.djvu/141

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  • Language, music the flower of, I., 28
  • Laws, music the sound of the universal, I., xxvi
  • Leaves, variety and marvellousness of, I., 22, 78
  • Life, an experience of the great serenity of, I., 69
  • an unnatural, surface kind of, I., 80
  • infinite variety of degrees of, I., 74
  • natural laws at times become modes of, I., 68
  • Thoreau’s simple, I., viii
  • Literature, mountain heights of, I., 68
  • Love, life’s aridities made fragrant by, I., 67
  • Lovelace, I., 83
  • Lovewell, captain, I., 8
  • Man, unnatural life of, I., 79
  • Mann, letter from Mrs., II., 10
  • Mann, Horace, Thoreau’s travelling companion, II., 10
  • Marlowe, plain-spokenness of, I., 66
  • Minnesota, meaning of word, II., 68-69
  • Morning, health-giving hours of, I., xv
  • Museums, dreariness of, I., 65
  • Music, aspirations of the past preserved in, I., 28, 69
  • evanescence and intangibility of, I., 84
  • man’s life should be a march to, I., xxv
  • office of, I., 67
  • Mythology, grandeur of the system of, I., 66
  • Naturalists, value of crude assertions of ancient, I., 60
  • Nature —
  • Aid to the honest inquirer, I., 59
  • Bell-like music, I., 28
  • Creation of birds, I., 23
  • Ideal and real, I., 85
  • Laws, I., 58, 68
  • Leisure and repose, I., 13
  • Manufactory of leaves, I., 22, 78
  • Museums her catacombs, I., 65, 73