Page:The first and last journeys of Thoreau - lately discovered among his unpublished journals and manuscripts 2.djvu/22

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pension Bridge, as I had done a few years before, on a journey through Chicago to Nebraska, in August, 1856. But he went by the Worcester and Nashua Railroad from his home to Worcester, where he took the through Boston train by way of Albany to Niagara. He left Concord in the afternoon of May 11, 1861, tarried in Worcester with his friends, Harrison Blake and Theodore Brown, over Sunday, the 12th, as will appear in the record, for a night and a day, and on the 13th was fairly on his way for the long journey. On the I4th he notes the scenery about Schenectady and along the Mohawk, which was new to him, though he had been on the Hudson. In Worcester he drove with his friends easterly into the next town, circling what is now called Lake Quinsigamond. "Rode around parallel to Long Pond in Shrewsbury,—a pleasant ride." He may have remembered that his English friend, Thomas Cholmondeley, was then living at English Shrewsbury in Shropshire, for which the Massachusetts town was named. The next entry is of the 13th of May, on the Boston and Albany railroad:

[ 12 ]