Page:The founding of South Australia.djvu/177

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Spain at the time Sir Robert Wilson was there, would give an éclât to the appointment which might be useful to the colony, and at the same time secure an able man for the work. As Light's friend, I would not advise him to take the post, for the reasons which make me decline it myself.

"As far as you are personally concerned, you would find him all you could wish.

"Hoping that you may not be disappointed in your own claims, which I think too strong to be rejected,

"Believe me truly,
"C. Napier."

Mr. Gouger to Colonel C. J. Napier.

"5, Hinde Street,
"June 4th.

"Dear Sir,

"If I had been desirous, in consequence of Colonel Light's high character, of recommending his appointment to the office of Governor of South Australia, I should nevertheless have been prevented acting in favour of Colonel Light by the promise of Lord Glenelg having been given to Captain Hindmarsh, the gentleman you saw at Portsmouth, and to whom you communicated the fact of your resignation. Since I received your letter, Captain Hindmarsh has visited the commissioners, aud having succeeded in gaining their suffrages, may be considered virtually appointed.

"Dear Sir,
Yours truly,
"Robert Gouger."

"June 20th.—Torrens asked me to meet the "Wakefields at a reconciliation dinner, but this I refused. I told Torrens that I never again would meet them as frends; if I met them in public life for the furtherance of a public object, well and good; but I would not meet them in private life.