Page:The founding of South Australia.djvu/188

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of establishing a school on board for the instruction of some of the party who are not able to read. When the first trials of the passage are over, this will be a subject for attention.

"Sunday, July 10th.—Prayers were read by Mr. Everard, the surgeon. The whole of the passengers and crew were present, and were most attentive and orderly. My protégé, Pollard, officiated as clerk. My wife remains very unwell indeed. She has been under the care of Mr. Everard now nearly a week, and nothing can exceed his kind attention; still she does not progress. Now for some gossip about the ship. Our cabin party, besides Captain and Mrs. Duff, consists of our noble selves; Mr., Mrs., and Miss Brown (the emigration agent, his wife, and sister); Mr. and Mrs. Hallett, a merchant and purchaser of land who settles in the colony, and is partner with Duff (the Captain of the ship); Mr. Everard (the surgeon of the ship) and his wife; Mr. Skipper, the son of a wealthy solicitor of Norwich, and who is articled to Mr. Mann (the Attorney-General of the Colony). The first-mate also dines in the cuddy, thus we have the unfortunate number of thirteen! We fare sumptuously every day.

"The intermediate party (i.e., between the cabin and the steerage) consists of eighteen persons, viz., Mr. Deacon, who intends to keep an hotel in the colony; my clerk (Mr. Nantes); Mr. Thomas (the printer of the colonial newspaper), with his family; and four proprietors of land in South Australia. They fare differently to the cabin passengers, having fresh meat once a week only, and on other days salt fish, beef, or pork. The labourers and their wives and families occupy the next compartment of the ship.

"Their number is about fifty; they are all contented, and have every cause to be so. Pollard has volunteered to take care of the poultry, pigs, and sheep on board, besides my goats. He takes excessive pride in them, and boasts of their condition daily. Moreover, he milks