Page:The founding of South Australia.djvu/53

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"A fact is mentioned by Colonel Hanson, in his pamphlet on the Swan River Colony, which indicates an evil from which it is highly desirable that this colony should be exempt. He states that at the time of the greatest privation in the colony, there was strong inclination among the Dutch at Java, within three weeks' sail of them, to send provisions and other articles for their supply, but that the presence of the Sulphur sloop effectually prevented any such contraband traffic. It is desired that Port Lincoln should be free as is the Port of Singapore."

The enclosure referred to the above letter was: —

"A sketch of the most important heads of a charter for founding a colony by means of a Land Company.

"1. The sale of all land in the colony at, or above, a fixed minimum price.

"2. The employment of the proceeds of such sales in the conveyance to the colony of young pauper labourers of both sexes in equal numbers.

"3. The increase of the minimum price of land till it shall be found adequate to the full supply of the labour required for its cultivation.

"4. The territory of the colony to be defined and to extend over a space sufficiently large to prevent any alteration in the value of land in the colony by the adoption of another system of disposing of land in its vicinity.

"5. The Governor and all the officers of the colony to be appointed by the Crown.

"6. The company to have the pre-emption of 1,000,000 of acres to be selected within a given time at the minimum price; 500,000 acres to be paid for within five years from the date of the charter.

"7. The company to defray the expense of the government of the colony until the population shall exceed a given number, the entire cost of the government to be limited, and the whole to be considered a