Page:The founding of South Australia.djvu/55

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gestions for the establishment of a colony on the southern side of Australia, subject to such modifications as may be deemed necessary by His Majesty's Government. It may be right to remark that the proposed limit of territory comprehends part of the unsettled lands included within the range prescribed as the limit of the colony of New South Wales by the Royal Commission under which that colony was founded; but this territory being very remote from the settled parts of the colony, it is presumed that this will not be found an insuperable difficulty to the establishment of the proposed new colony.

"By the enclosed paper (No. 1), it is proposed that the Joint Stock Company, the formation of which will be necessary to the colony, should be pledged to an advance not exceeding the sum of £100,000 by way of guarantee against the colony becoming chargeable to this country, and the promoters of the plan hope that arrangement will be deemed satisfactory by H.M. Government. Should, however, the preference be given by H.M. Government to the expense of the colony being assumed by the company without limit, I beg leave to submit as an alternative the enclosed paper No. 2.

"I have the honour, &c., &c.,  
"R. D. Hanson."

Enclosure No. 1.

"The object proposed is to found a colony on the southern coast of Australia by means of the purchase of waste land from the Government by a Joint Stock Company and by private individuals. This principle of the sale of land has been adopted for the purpose of procuring the means of conveying to the colony the unemployed population of the United Kingdom, as well as with a view of preventing those evils which, in other countries, have resulted from the dispersion of the colonists, while the mode of applying the money arising