Page:The founding of South Australia.djvu/61

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and they must be responsible to Government for a fixed annual income.

"5. The advances made by the company for the civil government of the colony to be a debt on the colony, the repayment to commence when the whole advances shall have been made, or sooner if practicable, not to exceed per cent, per acre on the whole sum advanced. In default of other payment, may be repaid in land, at a price not less than 5s. per acre, nor below the average selling price by more than one-fifth.

"6. Adequate provision to be made out of the produce of all lands, whether sold by the company or by the Government for the support of religion and of education.

"The Government to retain the power of consolidating the colony with any other for legislative and judicial purposes.

"E. G. Stanley."

In consequence of the above communication, Mr. Gouger called a meeting of committee on September 10th, to be held at Mr. Heathfield's, but no person attending, Mr. Borradaile was called upon, and after some consultation the following paper was agreed to be sent to Mr. Whitmore, to be forwarded by him to Mr. Stanley. The paragraphs in Mr. Stanley's memorandum were numbered, and to these the numbers below refer.

"(1) The quantity of land which the company proposes to purchase of the Government is one million acres, to be selected between the 132nd and 141st degrees of east longitude, both inclusive, and between the 20th parallel of south latitude on the north, and the Southern Pacific Ocean on the south, which includes the shores of the large inlet known by the name of