Page:The founding of South Australia.djvu/65

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appear to be the time to induce Lira to examine the subject closely, and to decide upon it. The heads of Mr. Stanley's memorandum approximate so closely to the propositions of the committee, that but little correspondence seems now necessary and I therefore am led to hope that much time need not be consumed in completing the arrangements.

"The receipt of Mr. Stanley's memorandum has caused me to change my plan as to leaving England, and I therefore remain here solely to occupy myself in promoting the foundation of the new colony. Since I had the pleasure of seeing 3-ou, I have been fortunate enough to procure for the measure the support of some influential persons besides those whom you have seen, and every day confirms me more strongly in the opinion of ample means being procured to carry out the scheme so soon as Mr. Stanley shall enable us to go before the public. Indeed, the present moment seems to me particularly favourable for raising money for any feasible project. The several companies now forming for banks and railroads find little difficulty in getting their shares taken. Excuse me, therefore, if I seem impatient of delay. "Will your addressing a letter to him, or my seeing him for the purpose of laying before him evidence as to the soil and harbours, tend to remind him of the application, and, perhaps, induce him to examine it? If so, may I request you to send me a note to deliver to him? Again, my seeing him might perhaps lead to a conversation upon various parts of the plan, and so prevent a lengthened correspondence.

"In the course of a few days I hope to send you a paper on the effect which the formation of new colonies by means of land companies may have on the poor rates: this I am preparing tor the Poor Law Commissioners, and it will form a part of their Appendix.

"I fear Mr. Heathfield's assistance cannot be retained for the company, as he is appointed to the management of a railroad company."…