Page:The founding of South Australia.djvu/77

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Office. — No. 7, Adelphi Chambers, John Street, Adelphi.

Provisional Committee:

W. Wolryche Whitmore, Esq., M.P., Chairman.

Aubrey Beauclerk, Esq., M.P.
Abraham Borradaile, Esq.
Charles Buller, Esq., M.P.
William Clay, Esti., M.P.
William Gowan, Esq.
George Grote, Esq., M.P.
Benjamin Hawes, Esq., M.P.
Rowland Hill, Esq.
Matthew D. Hill, Esq., M.P.
William Hutt, Esq., M.P.
John Melville, Esq.
Samuel Mills, Esq.
Jacob Montefiore, Esq.
Richard Norman, Esq.
Thomas Pottinger, Esq.
J. A. Roebuck, Esq., M.P.
John Romilly, Esq., M.P.
G. Poulett Scrope, Esq., M.P.
Nassau W. Senior, Esq.
Dr. Southwood Smith.
Edward Strutt, Esq., M.P.
Colonel Torrens, M.P.
Henry Warburton, Esq., M.P.
John Wilks, Esq., M.P.

George Grote, Esq., M.P.

Joseph Parkes, Esq.

Honorary Secretary:
Robert Gouger, Esq.

"The object of this association is to found a colony, under Royal Charter, and without convict labour, at or near Spencer's Gulph, on the south coast of Australia, a tract of country far removed from the existing penal settlements.

"For raising funds wherewith to remove people to a distant place, as well as to establish and maintain social order in the colony, making provision for defence, for the security of persons and property, and for the education of the colonists, some authority is required. When the ' heroic work,' to use an expression of Lord Bacon, of planting a colony, and converting a desert into the abode of civilised society, is undertaken by the Government of the Mother Country, the