Page:The future of Africa.djvu/10

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the Divine providence, to meet the demands of civilization, of commerce, and of nationality; and, second, that they are beginning, at last, to grapple with the problems which pertain to responsible manhood, to the great work of civilization, to the duties and requirements of national life, and to the solemn responsibility of establishing the Christian faith amid the rude forms of paganism.

The Author cannot let this volume go forth to the public without tendering his best thanks to very many friends, both clerical and lay, who, during his sojourn in this country, have either aided him in his collections for the "Liberia College," or have interested themselves in the publication of this volume, or have bestowed upon him personal attention and kindness.

He trusts he may be excused for mentioning, in this public manner, his deep acknowledgments to the Rt. Rev. Bishops Eastburn, and Potter, of Pennsylvania; to John P. Crozer, Esq., of Philadelphia; to Wm. B. Dodge, Esq., of New York; and to Wm. Coppinger, Esq., of Philadelphia; and especially to those two gentlemen who have favored him with great kindness, through many years, in Africa as well as America—Benjamin Coates, Esq., of Philadelphia, and the Rev. S. H. Tyng, D.D., of New York.