Page:The future of Africa.djvu/105

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rising christian state.

beggarism and contempt." If we wish to rise as a nation, and to be felt as an influencing agency in the world, we must make the ideas of labor and achievement master ideas in onr communities, and cause the principles of self-reliance and manly energy to become vital and energetic in our midst.

And surely no man here need search for incentive to all this. Here, all around and beyond us, on every side, in ourselves and children, are spur, and stimulus, and high incitement, to every noble work and lofty desire that has circled the brain of the greatest men earth ever saw in all her histories. This ocean, in majesty and magnificence, seems inviting argosies of sail from our ports and harbors, laden with tropical products for foreign lands. This vast and wild Africa, to indefinite depths, seems now yearning to throw off the forest, the jungle, and the bush, and to open a pathway for the spade, the hoe, the plough, and the scythe; so that all the world, ere the coming of its last days, may delight itself with its prolific fulness and its vast and inexhaustible riches. Tribe after tribe, far inward, through marsh, over mountain, down beyond the broad valleys, clear off to the large central lakes of the continent, start up, and seem listening to the faint music of the distant Gospel sweetly sounding on this coast, and crave its blessings and its gifts. The vast rivers and the broad streams, struggling for centuries with the tangled roots, the giant trunks, and the broken branches of the falling forest, would fain burst forth from all their hindrances, and marry themselves a thousand times over to the graceful forms of ships and