Page:The future of Africa.djvu/124

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the progress of civilization
Missionaries, Foreign, (including the Bishop,) 3 Total 10
Missionaries, Colonist, 6; Native, 1
Assistant Missionaries: 1 Physician, (colored,) 3 White
Ladies, 11 Colonist, 19 Native

Candidates for orders: Colonist, 3; Native, 3 6
Confirmations: Colonist, 53; Native, 21 74
Communicants (returns imperfect): Colonist, 175; Native,
143; Foreign, 14; total

Scholars: Colonist Boarding, 45; Day, 223 606
Scholars: Native, Boarding, 130; Day, 208
1 High School.

In connection with the Mission are 6 organized Colonist congregations, six principal Native stations, and seven out-stations.

The gospel is preached with more or less regularity, to over 100,000 people.

(d) Another most powerful auxiliary to the work of African regeneration, is the formation of important Christian colonies on that coast. The history and the importance of these germs of civilization, on the African coast, are but little known in this country. Let me dwell upon this particular item for a few moments.

The traveller sailing down the coast of Africa, and visiting its various settlements, meets, first of all, with the French settlement of Goree, and then with a few Portuguese ports in the same neighborhood, that is, from the 14th to the 17th degree of north latitude; hut after that, Anglo-Saxon authority, whether English or American, sways the coast for nigh 2,000 miles.

The English colony of Gambia is the next point of importance. This settlement comprises a well-built town on the coast, with schools, good churches and chapels, and several ambitious European houses;