Page:The future of Africa.djvu/133

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along the west coast of africa.

to go forth, the creator of new civilizations in distant quarters, and the founder, for Christ, of new churches!

And next, we may see in all this that law of compensation which God vouchsafes the wronged and suffering, for all their woes and suffering. After being afflicted, by nigh three centuries of servitude, God calls chosen men of this race, from all the lands of their thraldom—men laden with gifts, and intelligence, and piety—to the grand and noble mission, which they only can fulfil, even to plant colonies, establish Churches, found Missions, and lay the foundations of Universities along the shores, and beside the banks of the great rivers of Africa. He lifts up this people from lowly degradation, to the great work of evangelizing the vast continent of Africa, so that the grandeur and dignity of their duties may neutralize all the long, sad, memories of then' servitude and sorrows.

4th, and lastly: I remark that the facts I have referred to are full of promise of that future glory in Christ which is promised, and which will surely be given to Africa. She has passed, sadly, wearily, through long ages of agony and woe; but the end is approaching. "The night is far spent: the day is at hand." The day when civilization and true religion shall make triumphal march through all her quarters, is rapidly drawing nigh. Yea, the time has already come when rudeness and barbarism shall be replaced by culture and refinement. Schools shall be filled by ten thousands of joyous children; Trades shall be pursued by her crowded populations;