Page:The future of Africa.djvu/193

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keen force of a bitter, savage pen into play, to demonstrate the folly of attempting to change the hearts and to save the souls of the heathen. And before the ink was well dry upon their blasphemous pages, the news came careering by wind and sail of that recent singular spiritual upheaving in India,which for months has been bringing multitudes to prayer, to submission, to baptism. Here on this coast, where heathenism is rampant, English and American civilians and traders sit down at table with us missionaries, and assure us that the natives of this coast can never be converted to Christianity. And at once up rise Samuel Crowther, J.C. Taylor, our own Jones, and Kinkle and Harris, and Pitman, and a host of other native-born negroes, all along this coast, from Sierra Leone to Abbeoukuta, and in the name of God cast back the infidel imputation, and declare in their lives and utterance that the Gospel is the "power of God to salvation, to every one that believeth"; to the Jew, the Greek, and the barbarian alike. And it is these, and such like facts as these, from every quarter of the globe, which demonstrate by fact that the Gospel claim is true in its results as well as in theory; namely, that it is the one only remedy for that which, without it, is the incurable disease of all human souls, the leprosy of sin!

Since the Gospel is thus proven, both by theory and fact, to be the only remedy for the ills of life, the only hope for eternity, we have (a) ground for faith in all our work and labor in this field in which God has placed its. It is God's scheme, and it is designed by Him for the salvation of the nations. You may