Page:The future of Africa.djvu/208

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address on laying the corner-stone

the Lord's presence is confined to those things alone which we specially entitle spiritual.

There is, indeed, no such ground. This sceptical persuasion is, in sonic, the fruit of a mere surface thought upon the high prerogative of Christ's Church; in another class, it is the offspring of a halting unbelief; in others, again, it proceeds from unworthy and unwarranted notions of the inferiority of matter, in general, and of the body in particular; forgetful that all things, since Christ's coining, are sanctified to the loftiest purposes.

In truth, brethren, to deny, or even doubt, Jesus' presence, as pertaining to the body as well as spirit of man, to the whole man, is to hold a mere brutal theory about man, and to make nugatory the efficacy of our Lord's incarnation. For the terms of the large promises of Jesus justify us in looking for, and assuring ourselves in, the presence and strength of our mighty Lord in. all our work and labors, in which we aim at the welfare of the bodies of men. Moreover, the very fact that our Lord went up on high in our flesh, seems to show that that glorified body is still the sympathizing medium between "GOD manifest in the flesh," and frail humanity, in pains and misery.

The form and mode in which power goes out from Jesus, is different now from what it was when men approached, and saw, and felt, and handled that awful person; but the essence and the energy are the same.

Our Lord, at the beginning of his ministry,